MeTwo Education

Spring 2020

MeeTwo Education Ltd (MeeTwo) is a social enterprise with a vision to transform teenage self-development worldwide. At its core, it is a moderated peer support app for 13 to 23 year olds.

MeTwo Education  


About the Client  

MeeTwo Education Ltd (MeeTwo) is a social enterprise with a vision to transform teenage self-development worldwide. At its core, it is a moderated peer support app for 13 to 23 year olds, the demographic that would most benefit from intervention and support from peers and experts alike. The app is a safe neutral space for young people to express their thoughts and feelings to a support network and receive active support, practical advice, and tools for change.  
Every post and reply on the app is checked by a team of moderators. Volunteer ‘super peers’ who are trained undergraduate psychology students also provide direct advice to certain users on the app. Aside from the app, MeeTwo sells a range of educational resources to schools and youth services, from flyers to the “Teenage Mental Help Handbook”.  
MeeTwo worked with YCC during the time they were planning to launch a new product package directed at universities. Whereby each university would pay for a license to create their own portal for its students within the app. As a part of the package, MeeTwo would collect anonymised data using their respective portals, in order to give the universities behavioural insights into their students. Thereby, providing universities with actionable insight to improve the support on offer to students.  


  • Explore how MeeTwo should sell the portal and data packages to universities  

  • Conduct a gap analysis on the current state of support services at the University of York  

  • Identify the potential value propositions MeeTwo can offer to different key stakeholders (vice-chancellor, head of student experience, head of student union, Student Minds etc.)  

  • Assess MeeTwo’s digital marketing strategy  

Project Outcome  

Following a mental health survey that reached 207 students, a focus group, and 5 interviews with major stakeholders in the university mental health space, our team delivered numerous recommendations for both MeeTwo’s “Portal Product Package” and its broader marketing strategy.  
On the “Portal Product Package” front, the team identified the gap in current mental health provisions at the University of York, in order to help frame MeeTwo’s pitch to universities. In particular, it was found that there is a “lack of anonymity and continuous support” and an “incoherence” in current mental health services on campus and that only 2 out of 5 of the main mental health services were known to students. The team expressed how MeeTwo could bridge this gap, adding continuity and anonymity through its app and providing more coherence between services through its directory.  
On the “broader marketing strategy” front, the team conducted a detailed analysis of each of MeeTwo’s social media platforms and suggested ways of making their social media strategy both more effective for university students and coherent across platforms. In terms of social media platforms, our team advised on how MeeTwo should start posting and advertising on the increasingly popular Snapchat and Tiktok platforms to reach its users. Following the feedback from the focus group, our team made numerous recommendations on potential improvements to the user experience of the app, such as including a positivity section, trigger warnings, and reordering the main feed.  

Client Feedback  

‘‘An excellent project run by students from the University of York. The insights and advice provided were of a highly professional standard.’’  

-MeTwo Education Ltd  

Interested in getting involved?

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